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Using Artwork for Gallery Covers

We just added a new feature which enables gallery exhibitors on Galeryst to use any of their artworks as the cover image for their gallery. There are now three different ways to set the cover image for your gallery:

  1. Press the Camera button on the bottom bar while browsing your own gallery to take an image directly from your gallery.
  2. When customizing your gallery, subscribers can choose an image do upload from their system on the details page.
  3. (New) When customizing your gallery, on the Assets tab, select the row for the artwork and press the Set gallery cover button to use a specific asset in the gallery.

Here is a short demo of how to set the gallery cover from an asset.

Setting the gallery cover from an artwork

Update your gallery cover today!

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Customizing Gallery Foyer Signage

We’ve just added a new feature requested by a photographer who wanted a logo on the signage in his gallery foyer. I was able to do this with using the same customization method for gallery cards, by providing an editor for the Babylon JS GUI XML that I use to define the text for the title and description. In the sample below, I inserted this XML to put the “Your Logo” image hosted on the free image hosting site. Subscribers could put their logo, an image of themselves, or any other images hosted on to personalize their gallery foyer.

<Image width="800px" height="250px" source="" horizontalAlignment="Control.HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT_LEFT"/>

This customization is now available as a Foyer Title tab when you customize a gallery.

Give it a try and make your foyer even more unique.

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Gallery Cover Images

Based on an artist suggestion, we just added a new feature to enable Galeryst subscribers (Artist, Curator, or Museum plan) to upload a custom image used for the gallery cover.

  1. Customize the gallery, select the Details page
  2. Press Choose file button to select an image
  3. Press the Update cover button

I’m looking forward to seeing how artists use this!

Keep the suggestions coming!