We have just added new functionality to Galeryst to enable artists to create narrated walk-through tours of their galleries. Here is a walk-through of the feature. To create a tour, an artist opens their gallery and the tour authoring pane and then picks tour stop locations in their gallery. The time between locations and the duration at each location can be easily configured. You can drag and drop the tour stops in the vertical timeline to reorder them.

Once tour stop locations are set, add an audio file to synchronize with the tour which is an animated flow from stop to stop. Galeryst subscribers can upload the audio file so that visitors can hear the audio playback when they visit the gallery. You can use any screen recording tool to record a video of the tour, or you can embed the tour as an iframe
in another website. An interactive tour guide is automatically generated and can be used to easily move between artworks in the tour by clicking on the stops in the guide.

All public tours will be shown on the Gallery Tours page so visitors can easily find your tour.

If your gallery has a public tour, visitors can start it from the Tours button on the gallery toolbar.

We are excited to see the tours that our artists create, and we look forward to featuring the first ones created!