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Artist Spotlight: Julie West

Julie West

Julie West is a humanitarian, travel art photographer, and owner of a travel company.  Julie, lives in Australia near a small village called Tyalgum (tie-al-gum) in Northern NSW, about halfway between the tourist city of Gold Coast and the backpacker haven of Byron Bay.  She lives on a small rural (lifestyle) farm in the Tweed Valley which is home to the Nganduwal people of the Bundjalung nation, who are the first nations people and the traditional owners and custodians of the land where she lives.

Grandmother by Julie West

Julie has spent many years travelling through SE Asia and would like others to see the varied lives of the many people and cultures there. Her aim as a photographer, is to show the world that we are all family, and we all have stories to tell. While traveling, she supports local businesses and communities, as well as helping to aid in the education of children in rural areas of Laos. She prefers to experience a place deeply and often, rather than see everything once, skimming the surface, especially when photographing and getting to know her subjects.

School Friends by Julie West

Julie has an upcoming photography exhibition titled ‘Asiatique’ as part of the Murwillumbah ARTS Trail in Australia on the last weekend in May 2022 and this was her impetus to create an online gallery on Galeryst for her many friends and family who live too far away to attend, but wanted to see the exhibition.

I came across Galeryst while searching for software to create my own online space. As an Adobe Lightroom user, I found it easy to create and use this amazing and yet simple program. Michael and his team assisted with a few glitches I had, and my online gallery is now something I am delighted with.

Julie West

It’s clear from viewing her gallery you are seeing something special in her photographs. You go on a trip without ever having to get on a plane. Her images allow an intimate peek into lives of people in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos you may never get with a casual visit.

Julie’s use of the description card in her gallery wing adds another layer of depth and interest as well. She uses each card to share a story or backstory for each image. This allows us to learn about the lives of her subjects and connects us to strangers we would otherwise never know. Her goal of sharing a real world that tourists never see is realized and it is a glimpse into a world that that is moving and beautiful.

Asiatique gallery on

Visit Julie’s gallery Asiatique on Galeryst.

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Artist Spotlight: David Schneider

David Schneider, a photographer in Albuquerque, New Mexico has started to use Galeryst to exhibit his photography of nature, adventure, history and journeys to augment his existing site Fringe Photograpy. I really love the variety of subjects that he has captured with an eye on storytelling as a key component.

Gone Fishing by David Schneider

I focus on the light, beauty, mystery, and magic of the world around us. Our world is filled with extraordinary beauty if we know where to look and take the time to do so. I apply the impactful maxim “the mark of a good archer is knowing when not to shoot the arrow” to my photography and am careful about what I photograph. From small vignettes to soaring vistas, I bring passion and joy to each moment.

But there is more than the photograph itself, and I write a short story for each one. Sometimes fanciful and sometimes factual, these stories add a unique dimension, and each one brings its photograph to life.

This collection represents my favorite pieces. Some are from my earlier work, and some are recent. Galeryst is the perfect format for this and allows me to achieve my vision. I hope you enjoy exploring it as much as I enjoyed creating it for you.

David Schneider
Throne’s Gallery by David Schneider

When you visit his Fringe Photography gallery on Galeryst, clicking on the card next to each piece will bring you to a page on his website where you can buy the photograph choosing a framing option and size.

Fringe Photography Gallery on Galeryst

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Artist Spotlight: Jeremy Janus

Gallery | Jeremy Janus Photography
Photograph of snowy mountain
Sunrise at Loch Vale, Jeremy Janus

We are really excited to have artists coming to the site and creating galleries on Galeryst. Every day we have new users coming, trying it out, and sharing their art! Don’t forget to make your gallery public so others can view it too!

One such artist is photograher Jeremy Janus, who didn’t just create a gallery, but took advantage of key features to enhance his commerce site,

Gallery | Jeremy Janus Photography

iframe Embedding

If you look on the top navigation of, you’ll see a Virtual Gallery option. Clicking on it opens the Galeryst gallery. As an Artist Plan subscriber, Jeremy was able to embed an iframe of his gallery directly on his commerce site that he built with SquareSpace. To learn how to do the same for your gallery, see this tutorial.

Artwork Links

Jeremy has also added links to the artwork in Galeryst that point to his commerce site. When visitors are browsing his gallery and they click on the artwork card to the right of the photographs, they will go directly to the page on his commerce site to purchase that photograph.

Artwork with a link turns into a clickable hyperlink to the art’s commerce page.

Clicking on a card in Jeremy’s gallery brings the visitor directly to its commerce page to purchase the artwork in a variety of formats. If you want to add links to your artwork, start with one of the Galeryst subscription plans and add links today. See this tutorial for more details.

Galeryst affords me the opportunity to create a gallery experience for my customers no matter where their physical location is in the world.  My customers can experience this gallery from any place and at any time they wish, which is a powerful tool in trying to touch as many people’s lives through my art as humanly possible.”

Jeremy Janus

Great job Jeremy! We love to seeing how you are using Galeryst to enhance your business and share your beautiful nature photography.

We couldn’t be more thrilled to help you share your photography and provide a platform to support your passion.